Yes, we are licensed to write in the following states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Vermont.
What defines an Independent Insurance Agent is our ability to shop your insurance through multiple insurance companies. Our job is help you create the best coverage package to meet your needs and then go to the market and find the most competitively priced insurance company for those coverages.
Our relationship with an extensive list of top-rated insurance carriers, allows us to select the best coverage at the best possible rates and to craft an insurance program suited to your unique needs. Explore our current insurance partners.
When you apply for an insurance policy, you will be asked a number of questions. For example, the agent might ask you your name, age, gender, address, etc. In addition, you will be asked a number of other questions which will be used to determine how likely you are to make a claim.
When an insurance company is deciding whether or not to offer car insurance to a potential customer, it will want to know about the person’s previous driving record, whether they have any recent accidents or tickets, and what type of car is to be insured.
Insurance companies have different programs for different customers. Adults with good driving records will generally pay less for auto insurance than will a young driver with traffic tickets. In order to determine which program you qualify for, an insurance company needs basic information about you.
In addition to your age, gender and driving experience, information about the vehicle you drive, and how you drive it, is also needed to determine a fair price. For example, a large luxury car costs more to repair or replace than a sub-compact; and, someone who commutes 30 miles each way is more likely to be in an accident than someone who rides the bus to work and drives only on weekends.
Absolutely YES! If you can package your home and auto together with the same insurance company you should do it. There could be significant cost savings involved, in addition to other benefits.
Yes they do. According to regulatory associations, there is a direct correlation between credit scores and individuals getting into accidents, and cancellation policies due to non-payment. Therefore, premiums are higher for lower credit scores.
We know there’s a lot to think about when going through change, but keeping your insurance information up-to-date is crucial to ensuring the important stuff stays protected. We’ve made it easy to update your information with our enhanced resource center.
If you want to lower your monthly premium, or buy more coverage for less money, one way is to carry a higher deductible. A higher deductible also may make sense if you believe that your chances of making a claim are remote enough to warrant assuming extra financial risk.
Disclaimer: This is for informational purposely only. There is no legal advice being suggested or offered and the author assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions taken or not taken by the readers based upon such information.
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