If you are going on vacation in the near future to a foreign country, having adequate travel insurance is vital. Despite the minimal chances of something going wrong when abroad, it is better to be safe than sorry. Medical expenses in a foreign country can easily reach thousands of dollars, so it is essential to have adequate insurance cover to protect you from the risk of a large financial loss.
There are a plethora of different policies available for people who need travel insurance, and choosing the right one at the lowest possible cost is a worthwhile goal. Follow these six tips to save money on your travel insurance policy.
Look For Higher Deductibles
Insurance companies tend to offer lower premiums in return for you bearing the risk associated with higher deductibles. Using this tip effectively involves being honest with yourself. If you are the kind of person who engages in safe activities when on vacation and you’ve never had an accident at home, it could be worth your while opting for a policy with a higher deductible to save money on your premium.
Don’t Limit Yourself To One Travel Policy Option
Many vacationers make the mistake of assuming that annual coverage is the right policy to choose for a single trip. But if you plan to travel abroad just once in a 12 month period, then a single-trip policy would be a much cheaper option for you. On the contrary, an annual travel insurance policy will save you money versus a single-trip policy if you go abroad multiple times each year.
Don’t Opt For Needless Extras
Insurance providers often try to persuade you to purchase additional coverage that you might not need. For example, cover for electronic items is generally offered for an extra payment on top of the quoted premium. If you look at the small print, you’ll often find that the deductibles on these policy extras are really high, making them not worth your money unless you are bringing incredibly expensive electronics on vacation.
Ditch The Baggage Cover If You Can
It’s obviously important to protect your valuable possessions when you travel abroad, and this protection tends to come in the form of baggage cover on travel insurance policies. Baggage cover might not be essential for you, though. Many home insurance policies include coverage that protects your personal possessions when you’re on vacation. If that’s the case for you, tell your insurance provider that you don’t need baggage cover and you can save some money on your premium.
Consider Combined Policies
If you are traveling with your partner or your family, insurance providers will often offer you a better deal if you purchase insurance in a combined policy that covers all travelers. Make sure to ask any potential insurance providers about the option to purchase joint or group policies.
Avoid Premium Cover Plans
When shopping for travel insurance you’ll frequently see that insurers tend to offer basic plans and more expensive premium plans. The major difference between these plans tends to be a much higher coverage level on the more expensive insurance plans.
For example, your basic plan might cover medical expenses up to $2 million, while costlier plans cover up to $20 million. It is extremely unlikely you’ll ever have to pay that much to a hospital in the event of an accident or illness while abroad, so try to avoid the unnecessary extra coverage levels if you want to save money on your travel insurance.
Use some of the above tips the next time you need to shop for travel insurance. You’ll be sure to save money on your premium and get the best deal possible. Seven Corners’ travel insurance plans offer the protection you need. From trip cancellation to travel medical insurance, Seven Corners has you covered. Visit https://kaplansky.com/travel-protection/ to learn more.